Lectures & Presentations by Dr. Amirlak

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  • Amirlak, B., Management of Replantations, Nurses Lectures Series, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX, February 8, 2012
  • Amirlak, B., ” Am I Beautiful “Medical Student Lecture Serious ,UT Southwestern, February, 2012
  • Amirlak B., Grand Rounds- A Night on Hand Call: Common Problems & Their Options, UT Southwestern Department of Plastic Surgery, December 2011
  • Amirlak B., Hand Anatomy, Examination and Splinting. Emergency Department Grand Rounds Annual Lecture and Workshop. UT Southwestern Medical School. Dallas, Texas, November 4, 2011
  • Amirlak B., Grand Rounds, Hand Lecture Series, Hand Imaging, UTSW Department of Plastic Surgery, August 2011
  • Amirlak B., Medical Student Lecture Series, Flexor Tendon Repair, No Man’s Land, UTSW Department of Plastic Surgery, July, 2011
  • Amirlak B., Ivy Society of Plastic Surgery, Alopecia: A study of male identical twins, White Sulphur Springs, WV., June 2011
  • Amirlak B., Essentials of Flexor Tendon Rehabilitation, UT Southwestern Medical Center Hand Lecture Series. Dallas, Texas, March 14, 2011
  • Amirlak B., Faculty Instructor Rhinoplasty Cadaver Lab, Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium. Dallas, Texas, March 4-6, 2011
  • Amirlak B., Faculty Instructor, Fresh Cadaver Facelift Dissection .14th Annual Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. tControversies and Advances in Cosmetic Surgery. Dallas, Texas, March 2-3, 2011
  • Amirlak B., No Man’s Land; History and Technique, UT Southwestern Medical Center Hand Lecture Series. Dallas, Texas, February 28, 2011
  • Amirlak B., Management of Replantation, Nurse Lecture Series, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Texas, February 2011
  • Amirlak B., AO Hand and Wrist Fracture Management Course Workshop Instructor. Dallas, Texas, January 28, 2011
  • Amirlak B., AO Hand and Wrist Fracture Management Course .Faculty Lecture. Small Joint Fusion Dallas, Texas, January 27, 2011
  • Amirlak B., Janis JE, Guyuron B. Workshop and lecture; Botox Injection for Migraine Headaches. The First International Congress of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Interventions and 3rd Annual Congress of the ISRAPM. Tehran, Iran, 16 September 16, 2010
  • Amirlak B., Totonchi A, Janis JE, Guyuron B. Invited Speaker; Beyond Wrinkles: Botox and the Management of Migraine Headaches. The First International Congress of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Interventions and 3rd Annual Congress of the ISRAPM. Tehran, Iran, September 16, 2010
  • Amirlak B., Gatheright J, Totonchi A, Rowe D, Guyuron B. The Contribution of Exogenous Factors to Alopecia: A Study of Identical Male Twins. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting. Cleveland, OH., May 14, 2010 (Winner of best overall presentation award)
  • Faber C, Amirlak B., Rohlck K, Guyuron B. The Use of Desmopressin (DDAVP) for Treatment of Unremitting Post-Operative Epistaxis in Nasal Surgery. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting. Cleveland, OH., May 14 , 2010
  • Amirlak B., Tang C, Hans MG, Gosain AK, Palomo MJ. Application of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Technology in Volumetric Analysis of Simulated Alveolar Cleft Defects and Bone Grafts: An Experimental Study. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting. Cleveland, OH., May 14, 2010
  • Gatheright J, Amirlak B., Totonchi A, Guyuron B. Factors Contributing to Nasal Differences in Identical Female Twins(Poster). Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting Cleveland, OH, May 14, 2010
  • Faber C, Amirlak B., Rohlck K, Guyuron B. The Use of Desmopressin (DDAVP) for Treatment of Unremitting Post-Operative Epistaxis in Nasal Surgery. The Rhinoplasty Society’s 15th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC., April 22, 2010 ( Winner first place award)
  • Amirlak B., Tang C, Hans MG, Palomo MJ, Gosain AK.  Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Technology in Volumetric Analysis of Simulated Alveolar Cleft Defects and Bone Grafts. American Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Association 67th Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX March 15-20, 2010
  • Amirlak B., Tang C, Hans MG, Gosain AK, Palomo MJ. Application of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Technology in Volumetric Analysis of Simulated Alveolar Cleft Defects and Bone Grafts: An Experimental Study. American Society of Plastic Surgeons Senior Residents Conference, Anaheim, California, Jan 20-23, 2010
  • Kahn S, Armijo B, Amirlak B., Becker DB. Closure of a Complex Traumatic Scalp Wound with 7 Consecutive Layers of Dermal Regeneration Template. North American Burn Society (NABS) Conference. Jackson Hole, WY., January 19, 2010
  • Gatherwright J, Amirlak B., Gosain AK. Update of Facial Transplantation. Invited lecture Case Western School of Dentistry. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov 30, 2009
  • Gosain AK, Amirlak B., Performing Plastic Surgery in a Developing Country; Clinical Judgments in the Developing World. Volunteers In Plastic Surgery (VIPS) Instructional Course. Plastic Surgery 2009(ASPS), Oct 24, 2009
  • Amirlak B., Upadhyaya P, Tang C, Gosain A, In Utero Decubitus Ulcers, a Rare Occurrence. Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, May 16, 2008
  • Gorantla, VS, Rubin NR, Amirlak B., Bruns CD, Breidenbach WC, Kaufman CL, The Three American Hand Transplantations- Evaluation for Acute and Chronic Rejection. American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery. Beverly Hills , CA., January 12-15 2008
  • Amirlak B., Gorantla V, Gonzales R, Kaufman C, Tobin, G, Breidenbach W. Developing A Hand Transplant Program [poster]. 7th International Symposium on Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Seefeld, Austria, September 7, 2007
  • Amirlak B., Gorantla V, Gonzales R, Kaufman C, Tobin, G, Breidenbach W. Hand Transplant Donor Harvest, 7th International Symposium on Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. Seefeld, Austria, September 7, 2007
  • Amirlak B., Gorantla V, Gonzales R, Breidenbach WC. The Three American Hand Transplantations: Current Update. 23th Annual Tristate Hand and Microsurgery Meeting (Louisville-Indianapolis-Cincinnati), IN. , May 23, 2007
  • Gorantla V, Gonzales R, Amirlak B., Pidwell D, Kaufman C, Breidenbach WC. The Three American Hand Transplantations, ASSH-American Society for Surgery of the Hand’s 63rd Annual Meeting, September 27-29, 2007
  • Amirlak B., Puri V, Fitzgibbons RJ Use of Allograft Tissue (Alloderm) for Laparoscopic Trans-abdominal Pre-peritoneal Repair of a Groin Hernia, The American Hernia Society (AHS) Meeting , Hollywood , Florida March 18-20, 2007
  • Amirlak B., Nerve Transfers and Brachial Plexus Injuries. Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery, Louisville, KY, February 21 2007
  • Amirlak B., Flexor Tendon Rehabilitation, Guidelines, Protocols and Adjunct Therapy. Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery, Louisville, KY, November 20, 2006
  • Tsai T, Amirlak B., Breidenbach WC. Debate on Hand Transplantation: Where are we now? 10th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH). Sydney Australia, March  13-17, 2007
  • Turaga K, Garg N, Amirlak B., Fillipi C. Hernia Surgery in a Developing Country. Third International Hernia Congress. Boston, MA, June 7–10, 2006
  • Amirlak B., Pediatric burn injuries. Creighton University Medical Center, Grand Rounds, May 1, 2006
  • Amirlak B., Up-to-Date Management of Pediatric Thermal Injuries. United Arab Emirates International Pediatric Conference. Invited speaker. Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 7–11, 2006
  • Amirlak B., Bruno A, Paul C, Voight D, Levin S. A Burn in Utero? [Poster]. UAE International Pediatric Conference; Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 7–11, 2006
  • Amirlak B., Liver Trauma: Diagnosis and Management. Creighton University Medical Center, Grand Rounds, June 6, 2005
  • Paul C, Amirlak B., Voight D. A Burn in Utero? (Certainly not but is it a case of) Congenital Volkmann’s contracture. John A. Boswick Burn and Wound Care Symposium, Maui, HI, February 21, 2005
  • Amirlak B., Analysis of a Poptosis Using Laser Scanning Cytometer. Creighton University Medical Center, Resident Scientific Paper Competition for Nebraska Chapter of American College of Surgeons, October 4, 2004
  • Amirlak B., Endo-Vascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Creighton University Medical Center, Grand Rounds, July 2004
  • Amirlak B., Use of Alloderm in Laparoscopic Groin Hernia Repair

    . Saint Joseph Hospital, Omaha, NE May 2004

  • Kormi L, Amirlak B., Sleep Pattern of Caribbean Medical School Student [poster]. American Society for Neuroscience 28th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 7–12, 1998

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