Let’s Prepare for Your Liquid Facelift

Liquid FaceliftYou’ve probably heard of a facelift, but have you heard of a liquid facelift? A liquid facelift is a relatively new skin rejuvenation procedure. We discuss it in greater detail below.

How Is a Liquid Facelift Different From A Facelift?

A standard facelift is an invasive, surgical procedure. The surgeon will administer general anesthesia. Then, the plastic surgeon will make incisions on your problem areas. During the operation, the surgeon will remove and reposition the skin, muscles, and tissues of the lower half of your face and neck. Facelift surgery has a recovery period of four to six weeks. Although the results are not permanent, you should not need another facelift procedure for approximately 10 years.

A liquid facelift is a minimally-invasive procedure that shares the same goal as a typical facelift. The surgeon will inject dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, under your skin and you will see a noticeable difference in the elasticity, plumpness, and smoothness of your face. You’ll still need to go under anesthesia for this procedure, but the pain and recovery time is significantly less than that of a standard facelift. Here, you’ll only need one day to recover. Moreover, unlike with a facelift, you can reverse a liquid facelift if you’re unhappy with the results.

Does a Liquid Facelift Only Use One Type of Filler?

No. There are four main dermal fillers the plastic surgeon can administer when you get a liquid facelift. They are hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, collagen, and poly-L-lactic-acid. Each dermal filler works a little differently and has a separate lifespan. However, you can rest assured that regardless of which dermal filler you choose, a liquid facelift will volumize to the lower half of your face, rehydrate your skin, and smooth away wrinkles.

Can I Consume Alcohol Before a Liquid Facelift?

Some people assume that it is okay to consume alcohol before a liquid facelift because the procedure is minimally invasive. In fact, a few people would prefer to calm their pre-surgery jitters by having a glass of wine or champagne. However, you should not drink alcohol for a minimum of two days before your liquid facelift appointment because the properties in alcohol can heighten swelling, bruising, and the risk of infection.

Contact a Liquid Facelift Plastic Surgeon

Liquid facelifts are an excellent alternative for people who want skin rejuvenation but are afraid to go under the knife. Dr. Bardia Amirlak is a triple-board-certified liquid facelift specialist you can trust to do your liquid facelift. Call 972-972-4708 to book an appointment today with him.

Posted in: Cosmetic Skin Procedures

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