Neck Aging Shouldn’t Be Overlooked

We all look at our face every morning in the mirror, examining it for new signs of aging. Is that a new wrinkle? I don’t remember that age spot being there the other day. What’s with my under-eye bags?

It’s easy to fixate on the face.

But what about what’s going on under your chin? Your neck. The neck can be one of the first places to show sagging and loosening. That’s partially due to the passage of time; but it’s also due to the physical makeup of our necks. The skin tends to hang because it isn’t resting atop muscle and bone as most of the other skin on our bodies does. So, it gets looser. Bands form. Now our neck is really showing our age.

Fortunately, Dr. Amirlak can do something about that with a neck lift. Some degree of a neck lift is a part of every facelift, but when you have loose skin and banding down the majority of your neck, a dedicated neck lift is the answer.

What can a neck lift do?

As we age, the skin in the neck begins to lose its elasticity and we accumulate fat under the chin. The combination of sagging skin and fat creates that lovely phenomenon — the turkey wattle. A neck lift restores the neckline definition and gives the patient back their profile.

A neck lift:

  • Reduces excess skin, fat, and muscle bands
  • Improves chin projection and shape
  • Enhances the angle between the horizontal and vertical parts of the neck

Dr. Amirlak often performs a neck lift in conjunction with a facelift to rejuvenate the entire mid- to lower face and neck.

The procedure

Dr. Amirlak begins with an incision made under the chin or behind the patient’s ears to access the neck muscles. The neck muscles and underlying tissue are then tightened to provide additional support. He then trims any excess skin. If excess fat is present, liposuction can be done in conjunction with the surgery.

Patients sometimes wonder if Kybella would be a non-surgical alternative to a neck lift. It is not. Kybella simply attacks and breaks down fat cells. When a double chin has developed due to the weight of the fat pushing down the skin under your chin Kybella is a great product. But neck lifts usually have less to do with fat, and more to do with tightening skin and the platysma muscle.

When contemplating your aging face, don’t forget your neck. Call Dr. Amirlak at (972) 972-4708 to schedule a consultation for a neck lift.

Posted in: Neck Lift

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